

Eat protein foods throughout the day to help keep your muscles strong. Try these healthy high protein meal options today by adding them to your weekly meal plans!


  • This high protein meal plan includes a 1/2 cup of raspberries This high protein meal plan includes a 1/2 cup of raspberries 125 mL (½ cup) raspberries
  • Breakfast sandwich with tomato and a sunny side up egg on top Breakfast sandwich with tomato and a sunny side up egg on top 35 g (1 slice) 100% whole-wheat bread
    1 egg
    1 slice tomato
  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes a latte with 2% milk This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes a latte with 2% milk 375 mL (1 ¼ cups) latte with 2% milk


  • This high protein meal plan includes a Glucerna® nutritional drink This high protein meal plan includes a Glucerna® nutritional drink 1 Glucerna® nutritional drink


  • This high protein meal plan includes a puree of carrot soup    This high protein meal plan includes a puree of carrot soup 250 mL (1 cup) puree of carrot soup
  • This wrap contains grilled chicken breast and grilled bell peppers This wrap contains grilled chicken breast and grilled bell peppers 1 (45 g) 100% whole-wheat wrap
    90 g (3 oz) grilled chicken breast
    250 mL (1 cup) grilled bell peppers
  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes one green apple This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes one green apple 1 apple
  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes one glass of sparkling water This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes one glass of sparkling water Sparkling water


  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes a celery stick snack This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes a celery stick snack 15-20 celery sticks
  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes tzatziki for dipping sauce This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes tzatziki for dipping sauce 45 mL (3 tbsp) tzatziki


  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes tomato soup This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes tomato soup 250 mL (1 cup) tomato soup
  • Roasted broccoli, zucchini, grilled steak, and roasted potatoes Roasted broccoli, zucchini, grilled steak, and roasted potatoes 500 mL (2 cups) roasted broccoli and zucchini
    150-200 g (3-4 oz) grilled steak, trimmed of fat
    250 mL (1 cup) roasted potato with herbs
  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes one cup of grapes This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes one cup of grapes 250 mL (1 cup) grapes
  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes a non-caloric beverage This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes a non-caloric beverage Non-caloric beverage


  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes reduced-sugar frozen yogurt This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes reduced-sugar frozen yogurt 125 mL (½ cup) reduced-sugar frozen yogurt
  • This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes sliced almonds This Glucerna® high protein meal plan includes sliced almonds 15 mL (1 tbsp) sliced almonds
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