Making major changes to dietary habits and lifestyle can be challenging for anyone. For people with diabetes, trying to make all these changes — checking their blood sugar level, counting carbs, losing weight, and worrying about what foods to avoid with diabetes — can be so overwhelming that they put up barriers. What is a barrier as it relates to your health? It’s basically anything that causes you to slip up in your goal to make lifestyle changes, such as changing your eating habits.
Let’s say, for example, you often skip breakfast because you’re rushing out the door. If you have prediabetes or diabetes, having breakfast is a must. First, it helps prevent low blood sugar. Second, it can give you energy for the rest of your morning. Try to get into the habit of starting your day with a healthy breakfast that includes low glycemic index carbs, such as steel-cut oats, or if you’re in a hurry, a Glucerna® nutritional drink.†
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